Roxul Rockwool Safe and Sound in my WhisperRoom? Part 2 By Joe Crescenzi, Founder Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/21/2018 1:00:00 AM In today's video, I ATTEMPT to work out a way to install Rockwool Safe and Sound in my WhisperRoom. I stress the word "Attempt" for a reason. Frankly, it wasn't easy. Rockwool Safe and Sound is a super cheap alternative to more expensive materials like Owens Corning 703, and you can get it at your local Lowes or Home Depot, so what could go wrong? Although Rockwool is makes a great soundproofing insulation, in the end it was just too fragile and soft to work with.Getting it to stick to the walls was hard enough. Finding a way to make it stick to the ceiling was an even bigger challenge. Eventually I figured out a way to make it work, but in the end, it was too much work, so I decided to abort the installation and order the Owens Corning 703.That said, it was a great effort. I proved it COULD be done. I just didn't want the hassle of actually completing the whole job with it. Joe Crescenzi, Founder (Reply N/A) (Edit Topic N/A) (Like Topic N/A) [1 ] 7639 Views